About K9 Security Ltd
Mitigate potential security breaches and any subsequent loss or damage.
Site crime, including theft, vandalism and arson remains a major challenge for the construction and demolition industry. Building and construction sites are often natural targets for thieves as they often contain a lot of high plant value, materials and equipment.
Not to mention the damage and destruction from fly tipping and misuse of vacant sites while construction permits are being waited on. The financial cost of this kind of damage has no limit.
Whether you are involved in a brand new construction or a refurbishment, K9 Security Ltd offer a range of services to help keep construction sites safe.
With our vast experience and understanding of the construction industry, we will advise you on the appropriate measures required to mitigate potential security breaches and any subsequent loss or damage.
Included within all the Services that we provide we also provide Site maintenance. If something needs fixing including Security Fencing and Hoarding or Rubbish clearance we also deliver these services. We not only Secure your location but advise on corrective actions to improve security.