Fire Warden Services

Trained in fire prevention and safe evacuation.

At Fides, our dedicated Fire Wardens are specially trained in fire prevention and safe evacuation. Before implementing our Fire Warden services, we will carefully assess your business, fire safety concerns and requirements. We will then carry out a bespoke fire Warden solution.

Responsibilities of our fire Wardens:

The day-to-day responsibilities of the Fire Warden will depend on the organisations fire risk assessment but will usually include the testing of fire alarms; checking emergency exits are clear, fire extinguishers are fully functioning and fire safety signs are visible; ensuring electrical items are PAT tested and organising fire drills regularly so that everybody in the building is aware of the procedure in case of a fire. Our Fire Wardens also carry out and review risk assessments regularly and maintain any necessary paperwork. They monitor the disposal and storage of hazardous materials in order to minimalize the risk of fire and explosions, including the regular emptying of ashtrays in spoking areas.

Our Wardens are Fire Safety Level 2 accredited

Our staff  are fully trained in the following areas:

  • Fire legislation.
  • The ability to help with your Emergency Action plan
  • The Ability to help with your Fire Risk assessment
  • Understand fire risk assessments
  • Understand How Fires Start.
  • Prevention of Fires.
  • How to use Fire ExtinguishersSafely in line with yours and your clients policy.
  • Moving in Smoke, Stair Procedure, Door Techniques.
  • Evacuation process bespoke to yours and your client’s needs.